NCC share price today closed at ₹243.10. NCC is a construction company. The market cap of NCC company is 15225.28 crores. NCC company also builds roads. NCC’s share rises during the budget and now only a few days are left in the budget, so you can think of buying side in NCC share. You can take swing trade in NCC share for 15 days. Within 15 days, you can get 40 to 50 points in it.
NCC share price in budget days
NCC share price rises every year during budget days, so this is the right time to take entry in NCC share. You can hold NCC share for 15 days. You can get 40 to 50 points in NCC share. Every year in the budget, the government keeps a separate budget for road construction, that is why the share price of NCC is seen rising.
NCC share price target in 2025
NCC share price rises only three times in a year. NCC share price falls three times in a year. Initially it rises at the time of budget, after this it is often seen that NCC share rises in the month of August and for the third time NCC share rises near Diwali, hence entry should be made in NCC share in three times only.
NCC Share Price Action
NCC share is ready to take support above the first all time high of NCC share and this level is 238.41 and today NCC share has risen from here and 40 to 50 points can be gained from here because budget is going to come after a few days
This information is for educational purposes only. Please seek advice from a financial advisor before making any investment or trading.