NTPC Green share price today in the session of 3 December 2024 increased by ₹ 12.92 and hit an upper circuit of 10%. NTPC Green IPO came recently in which there was nominal listing gain, although this IPO was very much discussed in the market. If we talk about listing gain in NTPC Green, then there was a listing gain of 3.24%.
NTPC Green Share IPO
NTPC Green IPO came on an issue size of 10000 cr and its issue price came in the price range of ₹ 102 to ₹ 108 and this IPO was open for application from 19 November to 22 November and the listing gain was 3.24%. NTPC share was listed at a price of ₹ 111.50, along with this, there was a continuous upside movement in it and NTPC share has an upper circuit of 10% in today’s session of 3 December.
Green Energy Shares
Almost all the shares of this sector are in a bullish trend. Another stock of this sector close with a gain of ₹ 20.40 today. The name of this stock is Acme Solar. It was listed on the stock exchange on November 13. Today the closing price of this stock was ₹ 280.90. Acme Solar shares can see further gains because almost all the shares of this sector of solar and green energy are in a bullish trend.
NTPC Green Shares
The way this stock has hit an upper circuit of 10% today, it clearly shows that buyers are very interested in this stock and there is a possibility of it remaining bullish in the future as well. The IPO issue size of NTPC Green Shares was 10000 cr, so it is not easy to run it. It is possible that behind the 10% upper circuit there is buying by a big player or a mutual fund, so it will remain bullish in the future as well.
When a company brings its IPO in the market with a small issue size, it is easy for the big players to bullish in it and If a company brings its IPO in the market with a large issue size, then only big players bring a boom in the shares of that company, so here we can clearly see that the issue size of NTPC Green Energy share was 10000 crores and big players have entered to run it. Therefore, there is a possibility of increasing the share of NTPC Green Energy. Disclaimer guys, this information is only for educational purpose. Before making any investment and trading, you must take advice from your financial advisor.